Course Description


If you're like most entrepreneurs, there are days when you'd give your right arm just to have a few extra hours in your day.

I know how you feel, because I used to be in the same boat. Early in my career, I worked the crazy hours that all the experts tell you to invest 50, 60, even 70 hours a week.

When my son, Gabriel, was born though, things changed. If I was going to be away from my family ... it had better be worth it.

You can relate, right?

Well, let me tell you, it wasn't. The months when I sunk an extra 20 hours a week into the business ... I didn't always see a corresponding increase in my revenue.

That was a huge red flag. I knew there had to be inefficiency in how I was spending my time.

I went on a mission to be more productive. Or as I like to say ...

Get More Done ... Faster, Better, Easier

More than a decade later, I can confidently say that I am one of the most productive people on the planet.

My business has grown into a multi-million-dollar operation. Revenue has increased over 4,000 percent since my first year in business.

In fact, I turned my 2001 annual revenue into an hourly income by 2006.

I have the privilege of working with top thought leaders such as Jack Canfield, T. Harv Eker, Brian Tracy, Bobbi De Porter, Michael Masterson, Joe Vitale, Gay and Katie Hendricks, Bob Proctor, and many others. I've also personally consulted with companies like Dale Carnegie Training, NYU,,, Pinnacle Care, Strategic Coach, Trim Spa, Peak Potentials and many others.

I've created more than 25 educational products and teach hundreds of thousands of students around the globe via teleseminars and live training events.

On the personal front, I enjoy more than 90 free days each year. Those are the days I spend completely devoted to recharging my batteries and hanging out. I don't think about, talk about, or even worry about work.

I travel the world for both work and pleasure. And because of the passive income streams I've created, working has become entirely optional.

I hit my annual goals like clockwork ... because I've mastered the art of leveraging my time for maximum results. (If you think about how often most people set New Year's resolutions and then promptly forget about them ... you'll appreciate how rare this accomplishment is.)

Now I'd like to share my very best secrets so you, too, can achieve more of what you want in life ... in less time and with less human effort.

Introducing Productivity Secrets™

In this powerful course, you'll receive access to 21 video lessons that tackle the biggest sources of lost productivity that most entrepreneurs face.

To help you be more productive even when learning ... each lesson is short and to the point. (The longest is 7 minutes and 28 seconds long. Most take 5 minutes or less to watch.)

Each video contains 3 powerful tips or strategies that you can put to work immediately for an almost instant boost in your productivity. Implement these tips and you'll ...

... Build Habits to Improve Your Personal Daily Habits

  • Tame Your E-mail. E-mail inboxes can grow out of control faster than weeds can overtake a garden. These tips can save you literally hours a day ... and practically guarantee that you'll never lose an important message again.
  • Manage Daily Tasks More Efficiently. Don't you hate the days when 5 p.m. hits and you feel like your whole day has been wasted by emergencies and interruptions? Learn how to guarantee that your most critical tasks get tackled? no matter what.
  • Minimize Daily Interruptions. Disruptions are a natural part of life. But it's your choice whether you keep them under control ... or let them overrun your life. Discover how to broadcast "Do Not Disturb" to the world ? and get others to respect your wishes.

... Expand Your Marketing Effectiveness

  • Marketing Plans. Marketing plans are essential to running a successful business, but can gobble up hours if you let them. Discover 5 powerful questions that allow you to knock out an effective plan in 10 minutes flat.
  • Prospecting for New Leads. Prospecting is one of the most time-intensive marketing activities you have ? and one of the most dangerous if you do it incorrectly. These 3 strategies effortlessly weed out the tire kickers ... saving precious time and even helping you close more sales.
  • Networking. The quality of your life is based on the quality of your relationships ... and nothing builds good relationships faster than networking. Discover 3 questions to ask to improve your networking ability ... and the golden rule that will increase the abundance that naturally flows your way.
  • Business Cards. Transform your business card into a marketing workhorse with these 3 tips. In Video Lesson #6, you'll discover what I do to get 3 email opt-ins for every business card I hand out.
  • Getting Testimonials. Hands down the best way to overcome prospects' skepticism about your products and services, testimonials can be time-consuming to capture. Stop wasting your valuable time begging clients to spend a few minutes writing a glowing recommendation. Put these tips to work, and clients will literally be lining up to share their rave reviews ... without you spending a single extra minute.
  • Writing Sales Copy. Copywriting can be sheer torture and take hours. But I've discovered 3 strategies that effortlessly dissolve writers block ... and make the process of writing sales messages as natural as breathing.
  • Creating Case Studies. Want to do one better than a testimonial? Start incorporating powerful case studies into your marketing materials. I'll share my 3-part formula for crafting these sales gems ... and reveal an ingenious method to persuade clients to submit success stories by the dozens.
  • Website Conversion. Many entrepreneurs are completely baffled about how to make their web sites work better. But you'll know exactly where to start ... and how to analyze the experience from your visitors' point of view once you watch Video Lesson #19. Tip: I even have a bonus gift waiting for you to make analyzing web site statistics an absolute breeze ... a $197 value!
  • Public Interviews. Being interviewed on teleseminars, radio or television can score you tons of valuable free publicity. But here's what most people don't know: You should provide sample questions for the interviewer to ask you. Discover 7 questions that position you for success ... and that can be used with any audience.
  • Book Promotion. Books are an excellent way to promote your business. But traditional book marketing activities can gobble up hundreds of hours. Discover 3 strategies that sell more books, help you reach more prospects, and even create more spin-off products.

... Streamline Operations

  • Spotting Great Talent. Want to boost your company's productivity by 200 to 500 percent? Make sure you're hiring great talent. I share the 3-step process I use to weed out candidates ... and reveal exactly what happens during interviews to guarantee I hire the best of the best.
  • Executive Assistant. Want to make your investment in an executive assistant pay off in spades? Incorporate these 3 tips into your weekly activity ... and productivity will soar.
  • Weekly Goals. The single best way to achieve more of your annual goals is to break them down into weekly chunks. Discover 3 tips to practically guarantee you reach every weekly goal ... including a way to constantly improve efficiency.
  • Business Meetings. Ask any professional what the #1 time-waster is, and they'll all agree: Business meetings. These 3 strategies keep meetings flowing smoothly and ensure that they produce measurable results. I'll even tell you the hands-down best time to hold meetings to ensure not a single precious second is lost.
  • Unhappy Customers. Dissatisfied customers are a natural part of doing business. But dealing with them can suck hours of your time and drag your energy down. Use this unique 3-step process to handle interactions with unhappy customers in a highly efficient way. (As a bonus, you may find that you can even salvage some sales! In my business, we overturn 15 to 20 percent of refund requests and often create lifelong relationships.)

... Create a More Harmonious and Smoother-Flowing Personal Life.

  • Family Members. You might not think about family members as impacting your productivity, but they do. Disruptions, conflict and demands for attention are all common ways that relatives slow you down. Use these 3 novel ideas to build better relationships and quickly resolve conflict ... and you'll find your days flow more easily, particularly if you work from home.
  • Cleaning Up Messes. Physical messes, like a pile of paper on your counter or clutter in the garage, are one of the most common overlooked time-suckers. Some messes make it harder to accomplish a task, such as not being able to find the tool you need. Others simply cause a drain on your energy, as you work to squash the irritation that rises up when you see another to-do that needs attention. Discover 3 easy ways to conquer the messes in your life, so you can create a harmonious environment.
  • Traveling. Even when you're on vacation, traveling is one of the most stressful activities you can engage in. These 3 tips, though somewhat controversial, will make your trips less hectic and help you get back up to speed once you return.

Ready to get more done ... faster, better and easier?

Click the button at the top of the page for instant access.

Marketing Guru

Alex Mandossian

Since 1993, Alex has generated almost $400 million in sales and profits for his marketing students, clients, and strategic alliance partners in five continents. His colleagues acknowledge him as the Warren Buffet of the Internet because of his unique ability to make money for his partners, clients and students.Clients and luminaries alike say that his training and principles cause greater return on investment and also point of inflection that create legacy. His expertise has been showcased on ABC, NBC, and Fox television, National Achiever’s Congress, Speaker, and Billionaire Mentor Magazine.His All-In Commitment – mental, emotional, physical, and spiritual – is why he serves as the "marketing therapist" for thought leaders such as Jack Canfield, Get Motivated, Success Resources Seminars, and Harvey MacKay.Having facilitated over 40 group masterminds over the years, his "what, why, how, and what if" curriculum guides eager students to elevate their skill sets, heart-sets, and mindsets, while escalating favourable business outcomes for those who take imperfect action. As he often quips, "Sloppy success is better than perfect mediocrity."So Far, So Good.

Course curriculum

  • 1

    1 - Inbound Email Overwhelm

    • Lesson 1 - Video Inbound Email Overwhelm

    • Lesson 1 - Audio Inbound Email Overwhelm

    • Lesson 1 - PDF Inbound Email Overwhelm

  • 2

    2 - Daily Task Challenges

    • Lesson 2 - Audio Daily Task Challenges

    • Lesson 2 - Daily Task Challenges

    • Lesson 2 - Video Daily Task Challenges

  • 3

    3 - Prospecting Mastery

    • Lesson 3 - Audio Prospecting Masterty

    • Lesson 3 - Prospecting Mastery

    • Lesson 3 - Video Prospecting Mastery

  • 4

    4 - Travel Productivity

    • Lesson 4 - Audio Travel Productivity

    • Lesson 4 - Travel Productivity

    • Lesson 4 - Video Travel Productivity

  • 5

    5 - Networking Mastery

    • Lesson 5 - AudioNetworking Mastery

    • Lesson 5 - Networking Mastery

    • Lesson 5 - Video Networking Mastery

  • 6

    6 - Business Cards

    • Lesson 6 - Audio Business cards

    • Lesson 6 - Business cards.pdfBeProductive6_BusinessCards

    • Lesson 6 - Video Business cards

  • 7

    7 - Business Meetings

    • Lesson 7 - Audio Business Meetings

    • Lesson 7 - Business Meetings

    • Lesson 7 - Video Business Meetings

  • 8

    8 - Executive Assistants

    • Lesson 8 - Audio Executive Assistants

    • Lesson 8 - Executive Assistants

    • Lesson 8 - Video Executive Assitants

  • 9

    9 - Weekly Goals

    • Lesson 9 - Audio Weekly Goals

    • Lesson 9 - Weekly Goals

    • Lesson 9 - Video Weekly Goals

  • 10

    10 - Daily Interruptions

    • Lesson 10 - Audio Daily Interruptions

    • Lesson 10 - Daily Interruptions

    • Lesson 10 - Video Daily Interruptions

  • 11

    11 - Unhappy Customers

    • Lesson 11 - Video Unhappy Customers

    • Lesson 11 - Unhappy Customers

    • Lesson 11 Audio Unhappy Customers

  • 12

    12 - Marketing

    • Lesson 12 - Audio Marketing Plans

    • Lesson 12 - Marketing Plans

    • Lesson 12 Video Marketing Plans

  • 13

    13 - Spotting Great Talent

    • Lesson 13 - Audio Spotting Great Talent

    • Lesson 13 - Spotting Great Talent

    • Lesson 13 - Video Spotting Great Talent

  • 14

    14 - Public Interviews

    • Lesson 14 - Audio Public Interviews

    • Lesson 14 - Video Public Interviews

    • Lesson 14 Public Interviews

  • 15

    15 - Getting Testimonials

    • Lesson 15 - Audio Getting Testimonials

    • Lesson 15 - Video Getting Testimonials

    • Lesson 15 - Getting Testimonials

  • 16

    16 - Writing Sales Copy

    • Lesson 16 - Audio Writing Sales Copy

    • Lesson 16 - Video Writing Sales Copy

    • Lesson 16 - Writing Sales Copy

  • 17

    17 - Creating Case Studies

    • Lesson 17 - Audio Creating Case Studies

    • Lesson 17 - Creating Case Studies

    • Lesson 17 - Video Creating Case Studies

  • 18

    18 - Family Members

    • Lesson 18 - Audio Family Members

    • Lesson 18 - Family Members

    • Lesson 18 - Video Family Members

  • 19

    19 - Website Conversions

    • Lesson 19 - Audio Website Conversions

    • Lesson 19 - Video Website Conversions

    • Lesson 19 - Website Conversions

  • 20

    20 - Book Promotions

    • Lesson 20 - Audio Book Promotions

    • Lesson 20 - Book Promotions

    • Lesson 20 - Video Book Promotions

  • 21

    21 - Cleaning Up Messes

    • Lesson 21 - Audio Cleaning Up Messes

    • Lesson 21 - Cleaning Up Messes

    • Lesson 21 - Video Cleaning Up Messes

  • 22

    BONUS -

    • Lesson 22 - Video Bonus Downtime